Category Narrative

Old Weird Games: Captain Blood

Many early videogames were inspired by technological innovations.  Advances in natural language processing led Will Crowther to create Colossal Cave Adventure1 and John Carmack’s smooth-scrolling PC engine would inspire the future developers of Id Software to create the side-scrolling Commander…

The Post-Apocalyptic Landscape of Splatoon

A few weeks ago, I was finally able to see Mad Max: Fury Road, the most recent installment of George Miller’s long-running dystopian movie franchise. I went in with significantly higher expectations than I would normally have for a Mad…

The Clock Tower in Majora's Mask

Time, Space and Narrative

Generally, we tend to think about things like narrative, history and storytelling in terms of time.  Many forms of media favor this kind of temporal logic.  When we watch a movie, we sit down and watch as the story unfolds…

My Library in Minecraft

Reading Games and Playing Books

Though most of my academic work with videogames centers around rhetoric, discourse and technological development, that wasn’t what initially brought me to graduate school. My scholarly interest with games was first piqued by the way videogames develop narrative structure. As…