Month January 2011

'Splosion Man

Attack of the Clones

About three weeks ago, Capcom released a game called MaXplosion for the iPhone. In the game, the protagonist runs about a science lab, blowing himself up as a means of locomotion. Sounds inventive, right? It would, if it weren’t for…

Mongols at War with the Japanese and Greeks in Civilization II

Procedural History

I’ve always found history fascinating.  It ranks among my nerdy interests somewhere above heraldry and below cartography (I was obsessed with maps as a child).  How could you possibly improve upon my love of history?  How about throwing in a…

Why Spellcheck Hates Me

The field of Videogame Studies is still relatively young, as academic fields go.  So much so, in fact, that we don’t exactly agree on what to call it.  This is due, in part, to the difficulty we have in defining…

The Digital Dilemma

For Christmas this year, my wife gave me a Moleskine journal with Pac-Man on the cover.  On Sunday, I began my latest attempt at keeping a journal.  My previous attempts were thwarted by either my inability to remember to write…

Computer Game Studies, Year Ten

The year 2011 marks ten years since the first issue of Game Studies, when Espen Aarseth officially christened the field.  Of course, many scholarly works on videogames had already written, including Janet Murray’s influential book Hamlet on the Holodeck.  Nevertheless,…